Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fathers, daughters, mothers.

Hey guys! I hope you're having a wonderful week. I'm so sorry I haven't answered any of your lovely comments, but I've got a lot to study and to do, so I don't really have any time for the blog. Thanks to the people who've said that they like the "principal" photo, but that's the old one. I'm glad you like it, 'cause I don't have any time to change it. :/ 

Hola! Espero que etéis teniendo una semana genial. Lo siento por no contestar vuestros comentarios, pero tengo un montón que estudiar y muchos trabajos por entregar, así que no tengo tiempo para el blog. Gracias a los que habéis dicho que os gusta la cabecera, pero es la antigua y me alegro un montón de que os guste, porque no voy a poder cambiarla hasta que tenga un poco más de tiempo. :/

I hope to be back soon! ¡Espero poder volver pronto!


Fathers be good to your daughters, so daughters will love like you do.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hi! I hope ya'll having a great Sunday. I've got tons of things to do! So, I was thinking about changing the blog a little bit, I'm tired of the principal photo and all of that... Any ideas?
Hola! Espero que estéis teniendo un buen domingo. ¡Yo tengo muchas cosas que hacer!  Estaba pensando en cambiar un poquito el blog, ya me he cansado de la foto de arriba y tal... ¿Alguna idea?

 It was enchanting to meet you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

All my loving.

Hi everyone! I'm sorry, but It's been really hard to get online... Just got back to school (boooooringgggg) and the teachers want way too much from us! It's only been like a week since we started, and I'm already tired. Hahah...
Let's talk about something better than school. ;) Did you go shopping? There are some great sales here, so of course I went. I think I'm turning into a shopaholic... :/ Hahaha. 

Hola! Siento no poder actualizar mucho... Acabo de volver al instituto (aburridiiiiiisimooo) y los profesores piden demasiado. Sólo llevo una semana, y ya quiero más vacaciones, jajaj. Mejor hablar de algo más agradable ;). Os habéis ido de rebajas? Hay muchas cosas que merecen la pena, yo ya he comprado [demasiadas] cosas. Creo que me estoy volviendo Shopaholic.... :/

Photos by Erwin Olaf.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Remember I'll always be true...

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Happy new year guys! I hope that you're having a wonderful time and that you're enhoying this new year. I had a great time visiting my grandparents in Greece; I met a lot of new people and I got to celebrate my birthday with them! It's kinda exciting to be 15, doesn't it sound cool? Hahah. 

So, I just wanted to try, for like.. one post, to write only in English (it's easy, and quicker that translating eeeeverything). Tell me what you think!